~brought to you by your humble web-managers Lisa Cangelosi and Scott Hayes~

"The Section you can't hear suck."

Not only can you not hear us suck, you probably can't hear us at all, but as Scott says, we clarinets "add panache to the band!" We know how to have a great time, from our annual "Blues Brothers" screening and taking shots out of our bells (if they're not going to amplify our sound, they might as well serves some purpose), to scrambling on the field at Scott Stadium, to supporting Virginia Athletics as the indispensible second row at basketball, football, soccer, and lacrosse games, we're just one bunch of fun-loving people. You can learn more about the Virginia Pep Band here or by writing for info here.


Speaking of people, Let's meet the Clarinets!

And Those Old People (Alumni)


Here are some clarinet links for your amusement:

The International Clarinet Association

The Online Clarinet Resource

The World Clarinet Alliance

Clarinet Jokes


Find out more about the Pep Band here!


Disclaimer: The opinions stated on this website are personal and do not reflect the opinions or policies of the Virginia Pep Band, the University of Virginia, or any other such institution.