Iiiiiit's.... The Award-Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor/Outdoor Precision(?) Marching Pep Band & Chowder Society Revue, Unlimited!!!!

Trumpets! | Introduction | People | Sections | Pep Band homepage!

"Our website is cooler than the 'bone's."

Welcome, web traveler to the homepage of the greatest section of the legendary Virginia Pep Band, the trumpets. Alternately referred to as "pets," "chops," and "awesome," we bring the mighty brass explosion to the band. It's easy to pick us out of the crowd, because we're the ones playing the melody. Our brass prowess comes in the form of face-melting lasers, emitting in triumphant bursts that usually cause children and the elderly to crap their pants in joy.


Disclaimer: The opinions stated on this website are personal and do not reflect the opinions or policies of the Virginia Pep Band, the University of Virginia, or any other such institution. If you hadn't guessed they made us put this thing up here. Like anyone visits this site anyway.


UVA Marching Band