Frequently Unasked Questions

version 2.01

Last update: 21 August 2001, Sean Whipkey

Welcome to the FUQ, v. 2.01! Please read this when you join or think about joining the VA Pep Band mailing list!

  1. What is the FUQ?
  2. What are the mailing lists, and what are theyhere for?
  3. What is netiquette?
  4. How do I subscribe/unsubscribe?
  5. What are these terms that I do not understand?
  6. What is appropriate/inappropriate conduct and content for the lists?
  7. Who are you people and what do you want from me?

1. What is the FUQ?

The FUQ is a list of Frequently Unasked Questions. On the Internet you'll often see references to FAQs, or Frequently Asked Questions. These questions that I address here are rarely asked but should be addressed anyway.

Some of the older list members may be wondering why there is a version 2.0. There are several reasons:

2. What are the mailing lists, and what are they here for?

There are two mailing lists that are for the VA Pep Band. These are the pep-band list and the band-news list.

The band-news list is required for all members. It allows a moderated forum for authorized parties to disseminate information to the band members - current and past - at large. It is moderated by several alumni. This is due to the fact that it has been repeatedly shown that if unmoderated many inappropriate postings will be sent to it. This list is slower to moderate on weekends and evenings, since the moderators tend to check e-mail erratically outside of business hours (i.e., approximately 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday). If time is such a concern for a posting that this will be negative, then it cannot be relied on that people will check their e-mail in time. Try using a telephone as well as posting to pep-band. People not on pep-band who are on band-news are often on there because they do not check e-mail as frequently as others.

Let me clarify - ALL e-mail that goes over band-news will show up on pep-band. Therefore, only subscribe to one.

The pep-band list is a general list for members to socialize on. If you are in other groups at UVA, you'll notice many of them do not have this type of list. The reason why the Pep Band is lucky enough to have this is due to the patronage of Band alumni in UVA's ITC department. Do not take pep-band for granted. There have been attempts in the past to regulate pep-band, and there will probably be attempts in the future.

3. What is netiquette?

Just as etiquette is the fine art of how to act properly in social situations, netiquette is the art (the dying art, some might argue) of how to interact socially online. There are several parts to netiquette that should be considered when posting to a mailing list.

  1. Remember to maintain some form of identity. Without a face or a name, no one knows if you're a dog.
  2. Please remember that humor and sarcasm do not always show up well across a text-only medium. If you're making a joke, keep careful to make sure it is properly marked as one, such as with a smiley face or a "<joke>".
  3. Arguing and debating are fine over the list and happen regularly. However, if you feel the need to "flame" somebody - i.e., calling them names, etc., - please try to take it off list. This includes responses to flames.
  4. Do not publicly post private e-mail.
  5. Do not quote an entire message and then post a one line reply. Instead, clip the pertinent parts of the message you are replying to and delete the rest.
  6. If you know the person you are replying to is on the mailing list, try not to carbon copy the original sender. He or she will see your message on the list; they do not need multiple copies of it. Some people get more upset about this then others.
  7. Do not post in all capital letters.
  8. Do not have a signature file of more than 4 lines with 80 characters per line.
  9. Do NOT post mail in HTML format. HTML is for the web. Many people use e-mail clients that cannot read HTML.
4. How do I subscribe/unsubscribe?

To subscribe to pep-band, e-mail with no subject and the body of the message reading only:

subscribe pep-band

To unsubscribe to pep-band, e-mail with no subject and the body of the message reading only:

unsubscribe pep-band

To subscribe to band-news, e-mail with no subject and the body of the message reading only:

subscribe band-news

To unsubscribe to band-news, e-mail with no subject and the body of the message reading only:

unsubscribe band-news

The pep-band mailing list is subscribed to band-news, so you do not need to be subscribed to both. Simply choose which one you wish to join.

To send a message to pep-band, e-mail To send a message to band-news, send a message to

Both lists have moderated subscriptions. You must be confirmed as a band member - or approved third party - to be subscribed. That means if you subscribe with anything other than a UVA ID your subscription may be delayed or denied.

5. What are these terms that I do not understand?

You may run into words and acronyms that you do not understand. Try to figure it out from context. If you cannot, ask the person who used it off-list to explain it, or check on the Internet. Here are some common acronyms:
AFAIK - as far as I know
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion
YMMV - your mileage may vary
HTH - hope this helps
HAND - have a nice day
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO - rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off
IIRC - if I remember correctly
RTFM - read the fucking manual

6. What is appropriate/inappropriate conduct and content for the lists?

Consider this section to be "pep-band netiquette".

On band-news appropriate content is news intended for the entire band. For example, information about events is fine, as is social announcements about band parties. Opportunities for band members specifically - such as charity events and job postings - may be approved at the moderator's discretion.

On pep-band things are a little looser. Most anything is appropriate conduct, and be forewarned - sometimes the content can get a little controversial or even disgusting. For the most part, as long as netiquette is followed, most anything goes, with a few exceptions:

  1. No announcements encouraging people to join other organizations on Grounds. Do not post trying to get people to rush your fraternity or sorority, to join your club, or to patronize your business unless it is band-related. For example, if your business is selling the Band CD, or donating money to the band with each purchase, then it is appropriate. If you are simply selling UVA t-shirts and want to make a buck off band members then it is not appropriate. This is not a hard and fast guideline; you are all adults here and we expect you to use some discretion. If you continously post for nothing but such announcements you may find yourself unsubscribed without warning.
  2. Forwarded e-mails and copies of web site prose. If you see something funny, either by e-mail or on the web, do not post it directly to the list. If it's more than a two sentences and you didn't write it, we don't want it. Instead, send a URL to where we can find it, with a brief synopsis of why we should go there. This also does not mean "please update the list when XYZ web site is updated". If we're interested in the site and it's been posted before, odds are we still go to it. Instead, only post when something remarkable comes up there or happens.
  3. Argue all you want, but if you feel the need to flame somebody, take it off-list. Yes, it happens online occasionally. Just about everybody does it at least once. However, you should take it off-list as soon as possible. As stated by one alum: "winning an argument on the internet (or this list), is like winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics. You are still a retard."
  4. Do not post to both pep-band and band-news. All e-mail going to band-news shows up on pep-band. It is unnecessary to post to both places.
  5. Try to lurk for a bit first before posting. Lurking is when you read the messages coming through, but do not post.
  6. Once again, as said above, do not carbon copy the original poster when responding on list if you know the other person is on the list. If you do feel compelled to carbon copy them, trim the list down so you're not sending it to everyone who has ever responded in the thread. Some people don't mind being carbon copied. Others will yell at you. It's your decision as to what you want to put up with.
  7. Do not play drinking games online. It may seem like fun at 2 AM Saturday morning but at 8:30 AM Monday morning it's simply annoying.
  8. If you are looking for a specific person's address, do not post for it on the list. Check the Band web page, the UVA phone book, or even the UVA web page. You can find it on there.
  9. Do not even TRY to post anonymously. I hunt spam, and I am good at it. Even better, certain members in ITC can track you down to your very ethernet port, or figure out which lab machine you logged into. You will be found. You will be unsubscribed to the list, and you may even lose your UVA account privileges.
  10. Do NOT send attachments to the mailing list. We don't care if it's a text document, a Word document, a pretty picture, or a zip of the latest FPS - don't send it to the list. If you want to distribute it, e-mail the list saying you have it and to e-mail you off list for it.
  11. Do NOT send mail as HTML or as an attached HTML document. Many of us cannot read it, and those that can may be annoyed by it. If you do not know how to turn off HTML mail, check your documentation (i.e., RTFM) or ask your help desk.
  12. <bumdadumbadum> SHUT <bumdadumbadum> UP <bumdadumbadum> GORDON!!!!
You will occasionally run into situations where somebody insinuates - or just flat out says - that a certain behavior is unacceptable. If you have a question about netiquette, content, etc., feel free to ask an older member.

7. Who are you people and what do you want from me?

My name is SeanMike Whipkey. I've been on the list since 1994 and was a webbastard for the web page for a while. I've been working in the computer field, now at the University of Virginia Engineering School, for several years. I've manned abuse desks, worked tech support, and spoken out about spam-related issues.

Dan Ozdowski and Bill Pemberton moderate band-news and new subscriptions to pep-band. Dan joined the band as well in 1994, and Bill has been in the band for many years before that. Both work for UVA ITC.

Other people have helped in past versions of this document, though this version was written entirely by me. People who helped write the 1.x series of FUQs include Evan Macbeth, Audra Burchfield, and Jeff "Uppie" Uphoff. Webbastards who followed me and kept this document on the web page include Bryan Smouther and Johann Hukari. All of the previous people - as well as others such as Michael Fuchs and Elizabeth Harman - have contributed significantly to the growth and changes to this document. Version 2.01 gratefully acknowledges assistance and comments from Bill Pemberton, Matt Weyandt, Elizabeth Harman, Dan Ozdowski, and Johann Hukari. Emily Ozdowski also pointed out the fact that I suck at proofreading my own work with a polite e-mail that used a lot of smileys.

This document is intended to be helpful and encouraging to new members of the Band and a reminder for older members. Many of these rules are not official policy of the Band or of UVA but rather an evolved set of rules, customs, and the such that have come after years and years on this list. If you have any questions, comments, etc., I encourage you to e-mail me.

- SMW 8/21/01